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Association Meeting

Association Meeting - April 21, 2022

At 7 pm, the school board will conduct the annual Association Meeting in Suite D. We intend to vote on two matters - the annual budget and board elections. 

As required in our constitution, voting association members are those who:

1. Subscribe to Articles I, II, and III of our Constitution titled (1) Purpose and Educational Values, (2) Philosophy Statement, and (3) Basis and Principles, which can be found on our website.

2. Communicant membership in a church that is in a federation which is a member of North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC). 

3. Make an annual contribution to the Association of at least $150 per family. Tuition payments qualify as a membership contribution. 

Limit one vote per household. Non-voting association members (those who have communicant membership in Reformed or Presbyterian churches that are not members of NAPARC) are welcome to attend but are not permitted to vote. 

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